Health and safety is at the forefront of the decisions we make and must drive decisions of operations moving forward. We acknowledge that ‘the next normal’ will look different and may be uncomfortable at first; however, we all must do our part to ensure the long term longevity of our team and clients is maintaining. It must be recognized that it is the responsibility of both organizations and individuals to do their part to minimize the spread and transmission of COVID-19. In following the directives of the Provincial Health Officer and further enhancing our existing safety and sanitation policies, our mandate is to do our part to protect our team, guests and community. Through these enhanced policies it is our commitment to protect lives by suppressing transmission to the lowest possible rate for at-risk populations. In addition, to strike a balance that meets physical and mental health challenges that come with restricting social interaction. Our Safety Plan is based off the Hierarchy of Controls as described by Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer.
Physical Distancing
Engineering Controls
Before, Entering the Salon & Reception
Tools, Chair & Service Specifics
Staff Specifics
Personal Protective Equipment